Thursday 24 May 2012

ECW Natural Born Killaz 1996

Part 2 of my ECW was 1996's Natural Born Killaz.  I didn't know what to expect going into this one as I'd never seen it before.  The only pre-1998 show I'd seen was Hostile City Showdown 1996 (boy did that suck).  Anyway, let's see what I thought.

Match 1 - Louie Spicolli vs Devon Storm
This was more or less a squash for Spicolli.  At the start of the match he beat down Storm with a steal chair and focused completely on the leg.  When the match started, he focused on the leg some more.  Storm did a great job of selling the injury.  The most noteworthy offense for Storm was a slingshot from the ropes which was reversed into a pin attempt.  The comeback was brief however and Storm was eventually victim of the fireman's buster.  After the match, Cactus Jack lookalike Damian Kane offered his managerial services, but he got a buster for his awful persuasion as well.  The crowd went nuts for Louie and it suggested a new star was born.

Match 2 - European Jr Heavyweight Championship - Little Guido vs Mikey Whipwreck
This was not what I expected...

It started off as expected you know - mild brawling, fast paced wrestling and 1 or 2 top rope dives.  But when the FBI got involved Mikey got nutty.  Guido was on the outside of the ring being attended to by his manager JT Smith.  Whipwreck does a vaulting body splash over the top rope and takes them both out.  Big Guido then decides to get involved and tries to powerbomb Mikey.  Mikey grabs the rope and kicks him over the guard rail.  He climbs to the turnbuckle and jumps on Big Guido, who ducks and causes Mikey to totally botch the move and land on the concrete floor.  Guido capitalises on the mistake and chokes Mikey with a chair and rolls him back into the ring.  He locks in a short arm scissors and then performs a series of moves on Whipwreck's arm.  Mikey connects with a kick and misses a splash.  Mikey then kicks out of of a series of weak pin attempts.  Pay attention to Style's commentary because some of it's funny. Like when Guido delivers a scoop slam and Styles calls it, ''A scoop ada slam.''  Mikey takes a beating for the majority of the match but he's resilient and eventually wins with an elbow drop and retains the gold.

Match 3 - Axl Rotten & D-Von Dudley vs Buh Buh Ray Dudley & Big Dick Dudley
D-Von starts off by insulting the crowd in the most insulting ways of imaginable.  I mean, it's just uncalled for.  It's hilarious though.  Buh Buh runs out and goes straight for his brother.  The story going into this match was that D-Von was being an abusive brother.  He exemplifies his strained relationship with his ethnically opposing brother by running splashing him through a table.  The match is just a brawl and it goes into the crowd.  They assault each other with crutches and Buh Buh takes a 10 foot dive onto everyone.  It's nuts considering who it is.  This is nothing new in ECW.  Every show had a nuts brawl and this was no different.  So damn fun though.

Match 4 - Badstreet Match - Brian Lee vs Terry Gordy
Gordy is one of the best ever in my opinion. Sure, he's not THEE best but the Freebirds were awesome and I love him so fuck Bret Hart. Terry Gordy enters the ring to 'Freebird' by Skynyrd.  I love Terry Gordy.  This is another brawl and it goes outside of the arena.  Back in the arena, Lee gets backdropped on a table tnat doesn't break, which makes it look even scrappier and more awesome.  It's a slugfest.  Gordy delivers a scrappy DDT and it's the closest thing we see to a wrestling move.  Gordy wins the match via pinfall with a thumb to the throat.

Match 5 - Doug Furnas vs Rob Van Dam
Doug Furnas made his way from AJPW to face young, arrogant heel RVD.  It's a speed vs power affair and Van Dam bumps like a psychopath - especially taking a shoulder block off the apron and landing in the third row  This match also takes into the bleachers.  That's 3 matches in a row where the crowd have been in touching distance of the wrestlers.  Furnas manhandles Van Dam in the crowd.  On the apron, RVD suplexes Furnas onto a table which doesn't break but it does look painful.  RVD then puts a chair on Furnas' face and guillotine leg drops over the apron onto the chair.  It looks COOOOOL.  This match was physical and awesome.  This was RVD at his best.

Match 6 -  Taz vs Tommy Dreamer
Taz challenges Dreamer to a wrestling match and Dreamer agrees.  There's a brief brawl at the start but once in the ring, it's time to wrestle.  It starts of with some even mat work, but Taz gains control for the majority of the match.  When there isn't brutal stomping it's a pretty good wrestling match, which is a nice welcome contrast from a show packed with insanity until now.  Taz turns hypocrite though and throws Dreamer outside and beats him with a chair - now it's Dreamer's game. Oh wait... nah he gets pounded again for a bit.  Then Dreamer dives on ''Team Taz.''  Taz puts Dreamer through a table with a Tazplex and puts the Tazmission on Dreamer.  Some random interference, no officials and more interference ensure that this ends with all out chaos.

Match 7 - Tag Team Dog Collar Match - Raven & Shane Douglas vs Sandman & Pitbull #2
I don't know if there was ever a lengthy spell in ECW where Franchise wasn't despised.  His heat in this match was hot.  Sizzling even.  I burnt myself watching and listening.  This wasn't a wrestling match.  It was carnage.  It was barely even a fight.  It was just a brutal beatdown of Sandman.  The psychology was amazing, with Sandman's old lady and his son in Raven's corner.  Pitbull #2 comes to Sandman's aid after Sandman is half dead to even the odds though and pretty much bitches the opponents for a long period.  Aside from some big moves from Pitbull, this was kinda boring.

Match 8 - ECW World Tag Team Titles - Cage Match - The Gangstas vs The Eliminators
We're not 2 minutes in before Perry Saturn has dived from the cage so that's always a bonus.  Like a lot of the show, it's just a blood brawl with forks in the equation.  To be honest, it's not all that exciting and a pretty average match.

Overall Thoughts: I love ECW but watching 2 shows in the one night got a bit repetitive after a while.  It is a lot of the same stuff most of the time.  That being said, you'll always find a gem.  When you're in the mood for it, ECW is perfect.  When you're not, then it can get pretty annoying.  Overall though, this was a decent show with a couple good matches.

ECW Wrestlepalooza 1998

After reading about the disaster that was Extreme Reunion, it made me want to go back and relive the good ol' days of ECW.  You know, the days where the wrestlers weren't washed up, drug addled beyond consciousness and unable to perform on the night (at least most of the time), and all round sucky.  ECW is dead.  People need to accept that.  It was great back in the day but it's never going to be that way again with the old stars.  Yet, people are always going to buy tickets when the old crew gets back together.  Like many, I miss ECW.  I miss WCW.  I just miss that period.  I love the nostalgia of it all though.  Growing up during that period were the best days of my life.  And sure, I'm always going to revisit the classics.  But Franchise Shane Douglas, please stop what you're doing.  If you're going to put on wrestling shows then bring in guys who can put on a great show.  The indy scene is booming with talent willing to do ridiculous things.  Give them a plug instead of bringing back yesteryears stars.  Except Sandman... he can just drink and hit people with sticks.  You never get too old for that.

Anyway, Shane Douglas shoddy productions aside... As I said, I decided to relive some ECW nostlagia and it led me to WRESTLEPALOOZA 98.  Would it live up the magic I felt watching ECW as a 12 year old boy?   Of course it fucking would.  Inside I'm still a 12 year old boy 10 years later.  I should also mention that you might not like this PPV.  Lots of people hate it.  I on the other hand really enjoy it.  It's kinda like the TV show Friends.  It's not spectacular but it's good to watch when you just want something entertaining that doesn't require much thought input.

Match 1 - FBI (Little Gudio & Tracey Smothers) vs Supernova & Blue Meanie
What do you expect from any match involving Blue Meanie?  You know it's not going to be serious. That being said, when there isn't any dance offs or referees body slamming the FBI, it's a pretty good match to open a show.  Supernova was the most exciting thing about this other than the referee.  Oh yeah, and Meanies moonsault was pretty fat and epic too.  This got the crowd pumped and excited therefore done its job as an opening match.  Fun, harmless junkfood.

Match 2 - Justin Credible vs Mikey Whipwreck
I've never been a fan of Justin Credible, but given the right opponents he could have some pretty good matches.  Mikey Whipwreck on the other hand was a good worker and a little underrated.  This starts off as brawl, and Credible takes some pretty sweet bumps after being irish whipped.  His first one out of the ring was unnecessary, but hey, it's fun.  Mikey also takes a sweet fall from the apron into the ringside barrier.  This sends the match Credible's way and he draws some good heat from the crowd.  He slams Mikey's head into a chair and gets an arena sized BOOOO as a result.  The crowd also chant what sounds like, ''You've Got Herpes.'' Pretty funny.  You don't get chants like that now.  We get some more brawling, a nice reverse DDT and a, ''JUST AN ASSHOLE'' chant.  The best moment of the match was Mikey doing a suplex from the guard rail through a table on Credible.  This match was a scrappy brawl with some nice bumps , chairs and tables.  Not a great match by any means, but solid.

Match 3 - ECW Tag Team Championship - Lance Storm & Chris Candido vs Balls & Axl
Lance Storm and Candido are tag team champions who despise each other.  They are also the second longest reigning tag team in ECW history, second only to Raven and Tommy Dreamer, who are another team who despised each other.  Go figure.  On paper this was an interesting concept, with a team consisting of technicians in a match against 2 overweight rock 'n' rollers who prided themselves on steel chair shots.  The promo at the start off the match was more or less Axl telling everyone how they were going to smash their heads in with chairs.  That being said, this match had some back and forth wrestling.  Like Joey Styles said, Axl was a good wrestler.  This was a good tag team match.  I mean, Axl doing a slingshot senton over the rope was pretty cool.  I've read a lot of criticism for this match, but it's undeserving.  This was a good filler match and the crowd were pumped for it.  The Ric Flair chants could perhaps be considered a little insulting though - or the biggest compliment ever.  It's hard to tell with ECW fans.  Decent match, not great, not bad.

- Joey Styles stands in the ring and introduces some legends from the business who had their success during the good ol' Mid-South days.  Junkyard Dog, Dick Slater, The Masked Superstar and Bob Armstrong.  The crowd gave everyone of them a huge ovation.  Not much point in this segment other than appreciating the legends, but a nice homage.

- Shane Douglas comes out next and talks about wrestling, complains about Ric Flair etc and just have an all round complaining session.  Taz comes out after and says some angry Taz things and demands the World title from Shane Douglas.  Taz then chokes him out and security intervene.

Match 4 - Bam Bam Bigelow vs New Jack
This was one of the greatest hold for hold technical showcases of all time.... LOL.  What can I say about this?  They beat each other with fists and weapons and Dr. Dre and Ice Cube soundtrack the carnage.  Plus, turns out the best way to beat Godzilla is Bam Bam's nuts and a hockey stick... who knew?  I'll tell you who - New Jack.  Wtf is wrong with New Jack?

Match 4 - The Dudley Boyz vs Tommy Dreamer & Sandman
Before the match we're treated to Joel Gertner quoting Young Money lyrics.  You know the song, ''call me Mr. Flintstone, I can make your bed rock.''  But BOOM - Metallica hits the speakers and Tommy Dreamer and a beer equipped Sandman (in the shape of his life may I add) head to the ring.  They have Beulah (incorrect spelling probably) with them and she looks drillable as hell and ready to be worn like a glove.  This match was a mess... but a beautiful mess.  Spike appears and gets 3D'd, Sandman takes a beating...  I enjoyed it but there's really not a lot to say about it.

Match 5 - ECW TV Title - RVD vs Sabu
I hate Bill Afonso and his annoying whistle.  Just had to make that clear.

This was a good match.  If you've seen any RVD or Sabu match you know what to expect - high spots, insane bumps, chairs, tables, impressive athleticism... It was all here as usual.  I like this match but it's not their best match.  Plus I've seen this kinda stuff done before and much better.  I don't think this deserved the high rating the fans seemed to give it on the night.  It was a good match, but it wasn't out of this world.  It's really slow at the start and not much happens.  Sometimes it looks like they're both just relaxing.  But the action does heat up and we get a physical match after a while.  The match is so-so and ends in a draw after 30 mins.

Match 6 - ECW World Heavyweight Championship - Shane Douglas vs Al Snow
Al Snow's entrance is so damn trippy here and the ovation he gets is out of this world.  Every fan in the arena is waving a head.  Man, that was smart business by Vince bringing him back and using him for all of his potential.

So... the match?  Most reviews I've read have given this match pelters.  Personally, I liked it.  Al Snow was set to leave for WWF so it's obvious he wasn't going to win, but as a match it was a scrappy fight.  It was barely a wrestling match.  It was a brawl.  I found it to be a lot of fun and it made me wish Al Snow had more matches in ECW.  There's a lot of guys from back then I wish he fought.  Al Snow delivered a perfect Asai moonsault to the other members of Triple Threat (Candido & Bigelow).  Franchise kicked out a Snow Plow and Snow gave Francine one for her interfering, the locker room came out to congratulate both wrestlers and the event ended with a pretty sweet ECW moment.  Good end to a good show, but like the rest of the show it wasn't amazing.  Looking back on it though and reliving it was a magical experience though and I look forward to rewatching the other ECW shows.  Bring on the summer of EXTREME.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Ring of Honor: Border Wars 2012

Hey readers (Andy).  Sorry I haven't updated the blog in a couple months.  Just not had the time to watch all the wrestling I've wanted to.  But rest assured, I'm back and I'm black.  Anyway, I couldn't wait to review this PPV.  ROH has been pretty exciting recently, and it's all because of one man in particular - Kevin Steen.  This storyline with Eddie Kingston has been built up so well.  Kevin Steen is arguably the greatest heel on Earth right now.  Maybe even the whole universe (I hear Martian wrestling has some bad as fuck rudos though).  Not only was there the Steen match exciting me, but Finlay and Lance Storm were also on board.  I was excited.  Hell, I even love a bit of Rhino.  Here's the match by match review.

Match 1 - Rhino vs Eddie Edwards

A nice opening bout to get the show underway.  Rhino dominated much of the match by focusing on Edwards ribs.  There was a pretty sweet slam to the floor as well.  Edwards takes a lot of punishment to the ribs, and contrary to opinion, he sells it pretty well.  He spends much of the match surviving, before delivering a not so pretty German suplex and building some momentum.  The pace speeds up and we get a pretty exciting match with Edwards taking it to the ''Man Beast,'' and puts his own body at risk in the process.  Edwards manages to sneak the win after a distraction from the outside by Truth Martini. Overall, a good opening match.

Random Thought: Edwards looks like a WWE type of wrestler.  I wonder how long it will be before they come sniffing.  I can definitely see him there one day.

Match 2 - 6 Man War - All Night Express & TJ Perkins vs Young Bucks & Mike Mondo

''Spirit Squad!!! Spirit Squad!!!''

I love indie wrestling fans.  They don't forget anything and they look back on it with a huge cheeser on their faces.  This was the case in this match, with the chants directed at the ex-cheerleader, Mikey, now going by the bad ass alias, Mike Mondo.  Another thing with indie wrestling fans is they'll tell you when ''you've fucked up, you've fucked up.''  But part of the love for the sport is the botches.  In some cases, botches make a match so much better.

This is one of those matches where they just go out and try to steal the show.  These wrestlers are young, hungry and trying to prove themselves.  They did that.  Sure, lots of it was a ''spotfest'' but there's nothing better than that early on in a card to get the adrenalin pumping.  This was exciting from start to finish.  It's maybe not for everyone, but it sure as hell satisfied me and the crowd were loving every moment.

Match 3 - Grudge Match - Tomasso Ciampa vs Jay Lethal

Jay Lethal is pissed off for losing his Television title and he wants to take away Ciampa's undefeated streak.  Classic storyline in pro wrestling and also potential for a damn good match.  And it was.

Ciampa looks like a convict Santa Claus with that beard.  It made it all the more fitting for a grudge match.  The code of honor did not apply in this match and a brawl ensured right from the get go.  These 2 beat the shit out of each other before the bell even rang.  It was dirty and it was awesome.  A slingshot into a Section C sign should happen in more wrestling matches.

The match itself was physical and rather brutal.  These guys basically just beat seven shades of manure out of each other.  There was nothing flashy or pretty in store here and I wouldn't be surprised if it appears in many 'Match of the Year' lists at the end of the year.  This ended with a 10 time Lethal Combination.  It was brutal.  It was beautiful.  Check this out right now.

Match 4 - The Rematch - Mike Bennett vs Lance Storm

At Showdown In The Sun these 2 squared off and had a good match.  After the match Bennett gave Lance a post match beat down.  Lance was far some pleased and demanded a rematch because he refused to go out like that/  Nice heat going in.  It was also nice seeing Lance enter to Fozzy music, just as nice as it was to see him wearing tights again rather than that singlet.  Lance Storm looks weird in a singlet.  Never forget that.

This match starts off as a brawl.  It's not surprising considering the beef they have but I expected it to be a straight wrestling match.  Bennett gets some amazing heat from the crowd..  He beats their hero down for long spells and he flips them off.  What a legend.  This is a good back and forth match though.  Not a spectacular match but solid nonetheless.  Lance Storm always delivers a well worked match in my opinion.... well when he's given time to work anyway.

This is 1-1 between these 2.  A third would be sweet.  The speech after the match could be interpreted as a farewell though, yet again, it could also be interpreted as having a little bit of gas left in the tank.  I say if Flair can do then Lance can too.

Match 5 - War of the Breakout Stars - Michael Elgin vs Adam Cole

WHAT A FUCKING MATCH.  These 2 will main event an ROH show for the World Title within a couple years - that's if they haven't joined another company anyway.  I really hope they don't.  This match had a bit of everything - brutal strikes, devastating slams and some of the flat out amazing.  Michael Elgin is a damn machine.  He showed some great strength in this match and Cole did a great job selling everything.  This was just a good good good match.  I suspect it won't be the last either.

Match 6 - ROH World TV Championship - Roderick Strong (c) vs Fit Finlay

This match was one I was excited about because I got to watch a wrestler I'm a fan of in Roderick Strong defend his title against one of my all time favorite human beings in Fit Finlay.  The only thing that took away my excitement is that the outcome was decided from the start - Finlay isn't going to be around a lot in ROH so they're not going to give him the belt.  However, another positive that can be gained from this is that it gives Roderick Strong and his title reign even more credibility.  Not that Strong hasn't earned credibility - but beating Finlay?  That's a lot more respect right there and any wrestler would want that on their record.

The match starts off with some classic, old school wrestling, where Finlay is 9 times out of 10 going to come out on top.  Finlay looks just as good as ever.  I think Finlay is like a fine wine... one that gets better as it gets older and is so effective that the smallest taste hurts your head the next day - or leaves you legless.  In this match, we start off with some great mat wrestling but it doesn't take long for Finlay to start dirtying up Roddy a little, but Roddy gives back just as hard as he gets.  Roderick is on top for the most of the contest, but Finlay does enough to leave his mark and remind strong he's figthting Fit fucking Finlay.  This was another good match and Finlay reversed the Boston Crab like only he would.  I wish this match went a little longer, but it was a solid match nonetheless.

Match 7 - ROH World Tag Team Championship - Fight Without Honor - The Briscoes (c) vs WGTT

Mark Briscoe got stuck at the border?  Don't fret though because Canadian border authority is so dumb that all he had to do was disguise himself as a hockey player.  This match was unsanctioned, meaning they could do whatever they hell they wanted to each other.  A clothesline with a hockey stick a couple minutes in was a good way to start such a match.  Mark Briscoe's rope dive was pretty nuts as well.  This match was the equivalent of a train wreck.  That's a good thing.  It was so much fun.  Kinda reminiscent of ECW but when ROH gets hardcore it's hardcore awesomeness in its own right. New tag champs as well.

Match 8 - ROH World Championship - Kevin Steen vs Davey Richards (c) 

Before I start, let's talk about Kevin Steen.  Kevin Steen, in my opinion, is the most interesting character in wrestling right now and easily my favorite heel of 2012, if not the past couple years.  But this feud has kinda got Steen over a little, and I think if anyone is the bad guy it's Cornette (legend btw).  However, there's no doubting that Steen is a total psycho.  He's such a great wrestler though - one of the best brawlers in the world, a great high flyer and an all round great wrestler.  Everything about him screams ''not a wrestler'' and that's what makes him so damn amazing.  Jimmy Jacobs plays a great evil bastard too.

Davey Richards was the heel in this match though.  The Canadian crowd was behind their man Steen and appluading all the nasty shit he done.  This match had some nasty bumps.  My favorite was the powerbomb to Richards on the apron.... twice.  Steen is amazing.  Biting, sentoning, moonsaulting, wearing his opponents mouth piece... Sick, demented and utterly captivating  This was a fast paced, fun match.  A very nice way to end a show and a well deserved and emotional title win for Kevin Steen.

Overall Thoughts: This was a great show.  There wasn't a single match on this card that was below par on paper or in practice.  If I had to give it a rating I'd give it a 4/5.  Check this one out.

Monday 2 April 2012

Wrestlemania 28: Match by Match

Wrestlemania is like Christmas for a wrestling fan.  No matter how disillusioning and infuriating WWE can be at times, we're always going to tune in to Mania with childlike glee, expecting magic.  Or maybe that's just me.  The last 2 were disappointing PPV's to say the least, but I had high hopes for this year.  So, let's dive into it, match by match.

1.  Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus - World Heavyweight Championship match

What the actual fuck was this?  Really?  Why did they waste such a potentially good match.  It was pretty obvious since before the Rumble that Sheamus was getting pushed to win the title at Mania, but they could have at least given both of them some time to put on a solid match.  I mean, Brodus Clay dances for over 5 minutes, why couldn't they have given that time to Bryan and Sheamus.  Bryan in my opinion is the worlds greatest wrestler, so even 7 minutes would have been enough to have a solid match because Sheamus isn't bad either.  After months of building Bryan up to have him lose at the big stage.... I'm angry.  That being said, it was an unpredictable start.  I'm just gutted the best wrestler in the world was left humiliated at Mania.

2. Kane vs Randy Orton

Surprisingly good match with a very good finish.  It was very back and forth and a good opener to the show (Sheamus and Bryan wasn't exactly a match).  I was glad to see Kane win.  He needed the big win against a big superstar like Orton.  This has the makings of a good feud if it continues for awhile.

3. Cody Rhodes vs Big Show - Intercontinental Championship match

Bullshit as a fan of Cody and the Intercontinental title.  Cody is great and one of my favorites in WWE.  When he brought the classic IC title back, I thought WWE were going to take it seriously again.  I thought Cody could restore some of the credibility to the belt.  But he's rarely defended it at PPV's.  It used to be the IC title was a major title at PPV's and would often showcase the best matches.  I just want the IC title to mean something again.  Cody was the ideal candidate to bring that credibility back, and retaining on the grand stage would have been a step closer towards that.  Unfortunately though, WWE don't really give a shit about their titles these days, do they?  Rant over.

The match was decent filler, but I wish it was never booked and Cody fought someone more complimentary to his style and attempted to steal the show.  It was poetic justice for Big Show I suppose.  The positive though, Cody will get a push now.

4. Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres

Pointless match but entertaining nonetheless.

5.  The Undertaker vs Triple H - Hell in a Cell w/HBK as Special Guest Referee

The 'END OF AN ERA'  match.  Ego's in the mix.  A dramatic storyline brought to a conclusion.  This had the ingredients of a good match, but to be honest I'm sick of them all.  It was a good match and watchable, but for me, it was weapon heavy and should have had some more wrestling.  In all honesty though, I didn't think it was an amazing match.  Good but not great.  Taker looking like a lesbian was pretty funny though.

6.  Team Johnny vs Team Teddy

Lots of fun to watch.  Dolph overselling moves, fast paced excitement and all round fun.  A good match and it was great to see Team Johnny pick up the win.

7.  CM Punk vs Chris Jericho - WWE Championship

Wow.  Match of the night and match of the year so far in WWE.  The match began with some great psychology and then turned into a wrestling joy to watch.  Even with the botches it was great.  The suplex from the apron looked sore.  Definitely the show stealer most people expected it to be anyway.  I really hope they have more matches in future.

8.  The Rock vs John Cena

This match was passable considering all the build up.  They both showed some good wrestling ability and it was a back and forth, exciting match.  My only criticism is that it should have been more aggressive and maybe had an announcers table breaking or something.  A good main event though and a good ending.

Overall, a good Mania this year that was very enjoyable.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

They Might Sag, But They Sure As Hell Don't Lag

LDN LONDON EYE 48 - Finlay vs Mal Sanders

This is just nearly 30 minutes of 2 legends of UK wrestling taking cheap shots at each other in good spirits.  You can tell they're both having a blast out there.  You can't exactly call Finlay a babyface, but the crowd are 100% behind him here (at the start of the match he even hugs some old ladies, has warm exchanges with fans and even gives a little cuddle to a beer swilling goon).

The match itself is very entertaining.  It isn't pretty and that's what makes it so good.  Both of these guys are very gifted wrestlers, but even the old school holds have a dirty edge to them.  Sanders bashing Finlay's arm into the mat after every arm hold at the start of the match is amazing.  It pisses everyone off but he keeps doing it and gets some great heel heat.  Enjoy this one.  One for those who like their wrestling old, cheap and nasty.

Monday 5 March 2012

Caribbean Bloody Matches

Just thought I'd share this.  It's really entertaining.  Some of it is so bad its good and the commentary really is woeful.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Major League Wrestling - WarGames Steel Cage - 10/19/03

Terry Funk's Funkin' Army vs Steve Corino's Extreme Horsemen

Terry Funk's Funkin' Army consisted of Funk, Sandman, Steve Williams, Sabu and Bill ''Annoying As Hell'' Alfonso.  The Extreme Horsemen consisted of Corino, Simon Diamond, CW Anderson, PJ Walker and Barry Windham (may I add Windham is a perfect wrestler).  Now they're all on the indies and anything goes.  So, you ask... how did it go?

Joey Styles is on commentary with freedom to say whatever so that's always great.  In addition, the rules to this match is no pinfalls - just submissions or knockouts.  CW Anderson enters to cheesy rave music and Sandman enters with a kendo stick and a beer - less of an entrance and more of a lifestyle for that guy actually.  Guzzle the beer, bash it off your head and spit out the beer and the match is ready to begin after the Metallica stops playing.

CW Anderson isn't a horrible wrestler at all.  In ECW he was actually one of the more technical, but that doesn't mean to say he isn't prone to the odd bloodbath (watch his match with Corino from 2000).  But when you step in the ring - or a cage - with a drunken Sandman then you need to adapt to brawling, hitting the crazy bastard with a stick then waiting for his alcohol to finally kick in and send him to the ground.  That's why Sandman is a cult icon and why no one gives a shit a shit about CW, although he deserves more credit than he gets.  Also, in this bout we're treated to a beautiful suplex from Sandman that makes you wonder what could have been if he stayed in shape and wasn't content to lose 17 pints of blood a night.

Next in is Corino, with a fist full of barbed wire.  Corino, is a great in ring wrestler in my opinion.  The guy has never gotten the credit he deserved.  Probably because everyone assumes that all ECW guys were hardcore freaks.  They weren't though, Corino really brought a bit of wrestling class to ECW at times.  Anyway, he enters and Sandman takes a beating until his partner joins.  And what an entrance Terry Funk makes, by throwing a chair over the cage from the ramp.  He enters the cage, throws chairs everywhere and brawls like a crazy old beautiful pirate.

Next in is Simon Diamond - another underrated ECW wrestler.  Diamond goes straight for Sandman, and along with Anderson they drop toehold him on a chair.  Sandman should be dead by this point in the match.  Funk comes to the aid of his partner and meets chair.  But it's not long before Dr. Death shows up to help out his comrades (I should also mention that The Funkin' Army were supposed to be a man short as Jerry Lawler was unable to compete - imagine Lawler in this, just punching people?  That would have been awesome).  Anyway, Death cleans some house before it turns in to a back and forth free for all, with a side of senton from Sandman.  PJ Walker (of Justin Credible fame)  then enters with a small ladder that Blooter wouldn't even take to a paint job (Blooter is a painter from my local town).  Anyway, unsurprisingly, Sandman is first to bump into the ladder.  It was as if the ladder was inviting him to rub up with.  But PJ takes it right after.

The next competitor is expected to be the mercenary for hire, Barry Windham - but Sabu shows up to even the odds - and excitement levels increases when you see the table.  Now I love me some table.  Everyone loves a table.  It just looks... well, cool when someone crashes through one.  Even better is a superb press slam into the second ring by Steve Williams on Corino.

Eventually, we get Windham but Alfonso is furious and he strips off and gets in the cage to even it up.  Sabu puts PJ through a table and after nearly 20 minutes of vicious brawling and savagery the match can finally begin.  We actually get some submission wrestling here to supplement the brawling.  But Terry Funk shows up with a flaming branding iron and goes nuts.  I love Terry Funk.  He spinning toeholds Corino and Corino submits and the match is over.

Overall thoughts - a fun entertaining match but nothing special.  I did enjoy it though and would recommend it, even for nostalgia's sake.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Concession Stand Brawl - Moondogs vs Lawler & Jeff Jarrett

I am now of the opinion that Concession Stand Brawls are the greatest form of entertainment, not only in wrestling, but in all of entertainment.  This is, yet again, one of the greatest things I've ever seen.  They use everything and the kitchen sink (literally) to beat each other here.  They hit each other with weapons, they throw stuff at each other and Lawler even tries to drown one of them in the sink.  What more can you say about a match like this?  It's just flat out fun.  Everyone likes fun.  This is hardcore wrestling at its best.

First Concession Stand Brawl - AWA Southern Heavyweight Tag Team Titles - 06/15/79

Blond Bombers vs Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee

When you're in the mood, sometimes the best 'rasslin' is the all out chaotic that isn't even wrestling.  This match is an example of that.  This match is a great example of chaos at it's best.  It's not like ECW where New Jack would come in and beat crackers with weapons for the duration of 'Natural Born Killers' by Dre and Cube, this is Memphis Baby, and it's rednecks punching each other as the crowd go wild.  The actual match may be short, but that doesn't matter, because it's the chaos continuing after the bell has rung that makes it's so much fun to watch.  Plus, who couldn't watch Jerry Lawler punch all day.  His punches look so real and the way he conducts them looks so cool.

All this match is is fun chaos.  Don't be expecting guys going hold for hold here.  Expect punching and a lots of it - and chairs, belts, stools...  Enjoy.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Bryan Danielson vs Kamala - Liberty City Wrestling - 09/30/06


So this one is more of a match to sell tickets to a small time indy show really.  Take the best independent wrestler in the entire world and put him against a legendary gimmick like Kamala, put the ROH title on the line and you're guaranteed to sell out the 30 or so seats in the arena.  As for the match itself, I kinda enjoyed it but I'll let you judge for yourself.

The crowd was split here, the Danielson doubters were there to see him get annihilated by a monster, where as the fans were there to chant, ''BEST IN THE WORLD!''  You assume that chant was for Danielson, but who knows?  It might have been for Kamala.  The match itself wasn't great, but fun enough to watch.  It was essentially a brawl and BD helped Kamala sell the gimmick by being wary and selling his chops, before the match descended into a no contest brawl.  Enjoy.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Taka Michinoku, Gran Naniwa & Super Delfin vs Great Sasuke, Tiger Mask IV & Shiryu

MICHINOKU PRO - 03/16/96

I love every single wrestler in this match so for me, this is spectacular.  However, as an unbiased spectacle it's still a really good match, with a terrific blend of puroresu style wrestling which is common in Japan, and lucha libre, which is associated with Mexico, but also common in Japan.

This match makes me hate WWE.  Taka is such a talent, and even though he's not WWE's idea of a superstar, he deserved to be more than the jobber they turned him in to.  But that's WWE.  Elsewhere, Taka is not only appreciated, but he's celebrated - and rightfully so.  This is one of many great matches Taka has participated in (the same can also be said for the others).  So, sit back and enjoy this one from the same year as Kurt Angle won the gold and grunge was coming to an end.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Jay Briscoe vs Mark Brisoce -

HCW - 07/26/05

The Briscoe's are fucking crazy.  Genuinely.  You don't believe me?  Then watch this match. Apparently, this match started over a dispute they had in a bar the night before, so basically they just showed up to a backyard indie wrestling show and beat shit out of each other.  I really don't know what to say.  I mean, how can you review a match that consists of nothing but shoot fighting, brutal chair attacks and suplexes on stones?  It's just a brutal match that needs to be seen to be believed.  If you're familiar with the Briscoe's though then this probably won't come as much of a shock to you.  Would love to hear your thoughts on this one.

Sunday 12 February 2012

NWA Crockett Cup - April 22-23 1988

So the thrid annual Crockett Cup and the final due to Ted Turner buying Jim Crockett promotions.  What a great way to bow out.  This is a great event.  So, let's read on and see who wins the million dollars....

Match 1 - Jimmy Valiant & Mighty Wilbur vs Ivan Koloff & Dick Murdoch - Round 1

This match had some great competitors but it wasn't a great match by any means.  Dick Murdoch's knee to the back on Valiant was great though.  Quite a fun start to the tournament, but far from being good in any shape or form.

Match 2 - ''Dr. Death'' Steve Williams & Ron Simmons vs Mike Rotunda & Ricky Steiner - Round 2

Steve Williams and Ron Simmons are 2 legit fucking legends.  It's a scientific fact that Simmons is actually God himself.  Ask any scientist.  If they say there is no God then they're lying because Ron Fuckin' Simmons is God.

This was a good match.  Fast paced and intense, and Williams and Simmons pretty much owned it.  However, it ended with Kevin Sullivan delivering a cheap shot to Simmons causing him to be counted out.  This really annoys me a lot because Williams and Simmons should have went through at least one more round because they were much more dynamic, fun to watch and cool.  Actually, I no longer nothing Rotunda.  Flat out FUCK Rotunda and Kevin Sullivan.  I hate them for screwing Simmons and Doc.  Also, Doc & Simmons would be a bad ass name for a tag team, detective duo, superhero team or insurance company.

Match 3 - Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs Kendall Windham & The Italian Stallion - Round 2

Kendall and Stallion weren't bad here at all.  They were both young and athletic and really caused the Horsemen some problems.  The match was fast paced, intense and physical and didn't let up for a second.  However, inexperience got the better of the young jobbers and Arn planted Stallion with a DDT.  The team of Kendall and Stallion were glorified a little in their defeat, and if given a longer amount of time at a PPV perhaps they could have gained a little credibility.  And to be fair, Arn and Tully are one of the best teams ever and Windham and Stallion, well... aren't.

Match 4 - The Road Warriors vs The Jive Tones - Round 2

The Jive Tones were riding on momentum going into this, but they ultimately got squashed here.  Sure, they put up a decent effort in the brief 2 or so minutes the match lasted, but in the end the Road Warriors weren't going to lose to a team that looked put together for the sake of it because the wrestlers didn't have a lot going on.  It would have been nice to see them get a push though, perhaps by beating another team and progressing further.

Match 5 -  The Fantastics vs Larry Zybyszko & Al Perez - Round 2

This was one of the better matches of a nice, solid bunch.  The Fantastics win this one in great face fashion by getting the roll up pin after Larry Z and Perez attempted a double team move.  This match was good due to the 4 great wrestlers in the ring.  Tommy Rogers is easily won of my favorite wrestlers since discovering NWA.

Match 6 - Sting & Lex Luger vs Dick Murdoch & Ivan Koloff  - Round 2

The 2 biggest babyfaces in the company at the team were forced to team up due to circumstances outwith their control and take on the 2 crafty old veterans of Dick Murdoch and Ivan Koloff.  Lex Luger does one of the most ridiculous dropkicks in the history of wrestling and then manhandles Koloff.  Essentially, this match was used to get Sting and Luger over, but it's Murdoch and Koloff who really look like a more convincing tag team.  They're nasty and they're dirty.  They're everything Sting and Lex aren't.  That's why I love them really.  I mean, Sting and Luger are fine.  Dick Murdoch though - that's the fucking man right there.  Great match though.

Match 7 - Midnight Express vs. The Sheepherders - Round 2

Pretty standard match.  Back and forth brawl.  Pretty fun.  Ends with a sneaky tennis racket to the back from Eaton and a cover from Lane.  If this match showed anything, it's that the Express are better heels than the Sheepherders.  Also, the Sheepherders are a great stereotype.

Match 8 - Jimmy Garvin vs Kevin Sullivan - Prince of Darkness Death Match

Yet another match in the feud over that bitch Precious.  She's not good enough for a guy like Garvin and Kevin Sullivan is perhaps the only human rodent in NWA at this time.  He's a prime example of genetics having a blood orgy with themselves.  At least for this match his face was covered.  Oh yeah, it was a blindfold match.  So the match is pretty self explanatory, punches being thrown everywhere, chokes, the crowd direct Garvin, Garvin wins, gets beat up, brother comes to his aid, Rotunda comes to make it 3 on 2, a bunch of babyfaces run out to help ease the situation.  Nice match for the sheer pointlessness and crapfest it is.  This one was for the crowd to shout, like a pantomime when you're a kid and the big bird runs behind the witch.  Kevin Sullivan has a fatter, hairier stomach than the slut I lost my virginity to as well.

Match 9 - Bunkhouse Stampede Finals - Bunkhouse Stampede 1988 - RECAP Match

This was from another event, one which I covered in full in my review of Bunkhouse Stampede 1988 which you'll find on this blog.  If you want the quick summary - fun but not spectacular.  Have no idea why it's been shown again here.  Got to love random shit sometimes.

Match 10 - The Road Warriors vs Powers of Pain - Quarterfinals 

It's a shame that this is the only quarterfinal match shown considering Sting & Luger took on the Midnight Express, and they showed a match from Bunkhouse Stampede which really didn't need to be shown.  But, this match wasn't a disappointment.  It was an all out brawl between some big bad sons of bitches, with big slams and steel steeps thrown all over the place.  Throw in a steel chair and we have ourselves the perfect amount of chaos for a respected tag team tournament.  This kicked anus.  Ended with a great disqualification after a powerful clothesline on the referee and the Powers of Pain progressed as a result.

Match 11 -  The Midnight Rider vs JJ Dillon - Bull Rope Match

This match was fun and probably booked for the crowd to see Dillon take a beating from Dusty (sorry, Midnight Rider... ahem).  This match started of with Dillon in control but Rider gains control with a low blow and wrapping JJ across the head with a cowbell and pursues him with the cowbell throughout, busting JJ open.  Rider wins after beating JJ over the head with the bell once more.  I really enjoyed this match.  It was only a few minutes of Dillon being beaten with a bell, choked and beat some more, but it was good for being exactly that.  The post match brawl involves an appearance from The Texan, who comes out and beats on Dust... I mean Rider and Murdoc... I mean, Texan really does a number on Dusty.  Then Dr. Death appears to defend Rider, but he gets wrapped with the bell also.  Great match.

Match 12 - Lex Luger and Sting vs Powers of Pain - Semifinals

2 babyfaces against 2 brute, ugly heels.  A tried and tested formula that delivers on entertainment more often than not.  None of these teams work particularly great together, for instance, they aren't as dynamic as the Horsemen or Midnight Express.  It's more a series of individuals teaming up rather than a functioning effective team.  However, they still are good teams, just not great teams.  Sting and Luger was a team made for the fans, clearly.  And boy, were they over.  Both of these teams though were pretty much in their infancy.

My favorite moment of the match is when The Barbarian big boots Sting from the apron.  It's great and Sting sells it like a champ, but I think it's a possibility Barbarian actually stuck him.  Another great moment is when Warlord slams Sting straight to hell.  The Powers of Pain were the best part of this match, but Sting and Luger were able to overcome the odds like classic babyfaces.  Good match.

Match 13 - Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs The Fantastics - Semifinals

This was a great match.  Easily the best of the entire event.  It's pretty much what you'd expect from a match between The Horsemen and The Fantastics.  It's tag team wrestling to the highest standard, 4 greats working a routine terrific match and the Horsemen being executioners and The Fantastics taking it and fighting with all they have left after the methodical beatdowns by Arn & Tully, while gaining spurs of momentum from the supporting crowd who chant their name.

The Fantastics spend the majority of the match with Bobby Fulton getting annihilated by The Horsemen, but they start to take it to them when Tommy Rogers gets tagged in, even connecting with The ROCKET LAUNCHER (which may I add is a timeless tag team move), but Tully breaks it up.  Arn nails Rogers with a shoe pretty soon after and ends this great match with a Horsemen victory.

Match 14 - NWA Heavyweight Championship - Ric Flair vs Nikita Koloff 

At this time, Barry Windham had just joined The Horsemen and accompanied Flair to the ring, so I suspect most of the boos here were for Windham.  This was a solid bout but nothing spectacular as they had better matches with each other than this one, but it was a fine filler to take up a few minutes.  All the matches at this event were roughly under 10 minutes as there was so much to get through, so given the time limit that they could work with this was a good match.  Actually, it was nice to see them go at a relentless pace and switch it up a bit.  Also, Flair bled like a boss as per and retained through DQ.

Match 15 - Sting & Lex Luger vs Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard - Final

Oh man, this was awesome.  This match, Luger and Sting finally looked like a tag team.  The team of Stinger and Lex don't allow the Horsemen to get their game plan going by preventing tags and working on Arn Anderson, but Arn is a dirty player in the game in his own right and he manages to pull out a little trick to get Sting off him and Tully in the ring and change the match in the direction of The Horsemen.  After a spell of dominance by Horsemen, the match becomes a go between and ends with a roll up pin by Luger on Arn.  Sting and Arn a million richer as well.

Summary:  A great event overall with some great matches.  I recommend you check it out.

NWA - Clash of the Champions 1 - 03/27/88

So, it's my understanding that this event went head to head with Wrestlemania.  Personally, I'm not a fan of WWF of that era with the exception of certain matches and superstars so if I had to choose what I was watching back then I would no doubt choose this one.  Not only because it was free, but I prefer the NWA standard of wrestling and their wrestlers.

Anyway, it's only now I'm discovering NWA to it's fullest.  I've stumbled upon stacks of it and now I'm completely hooked.  I've heard this event is a classic, so as I write this opening, I have yet to watch CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS, so my review is going to be immediately after viewing this event.  My buddy over at 'Whiskey & Wrestling' said it's the shit though, and that's good enough for me.  Plus, Dusty is there.

Match 1 -  NWA World Television Championship Match - Mike Rotundo (c) vs Jimmy Garvin (c) - Amatuer Rules Match

I don't know what it is with Mike Rotundo.  I don't think he's bad in any way but I just feel nothing for him.  By that, I don't mean I don't appreciate his matches because I do, but I just don't root for him but I don't hate him either.  Kevin Sullivan on the other hand, I appreciate because he's easy to hate for being an old bastard.  For that reason, I kinda admire him.  Jimmy Garvin though, I really like Jimmy Garvin.  Thew more NWA I watch, the more Jimmy Garvin I'm seeing and I'm somewhat of a fan.  He's by far my favorite by any means, but I do like him, especially in this match because he has wild hair and looks like a  an out of control wild beast when he shoves the referee.  It's like evolution skipped him here and went straight to Kevin Sullivan's thighs.

This match consists of 3 5 minute periods, and within those periods is your limit to win the match.  It's amateur wrestling rules so they're taking it back to the basics.  The first round doesn't really get going until the last 2 minutes, with both competitors tying up in the grapple until Rotunda breaks up the routine with a punch and a snake eyes on to the ropes.  Dirty bastard he is.  The first period ends with Rotundo trying to submit Garvin, but Garvin holds on until the end of the round.

The second round starts of as Rotunda's but the momentum shifts when he takes to the turnbuckle and Garvin takes advantage by slamming him to the mat when Rotunda is up top.  Rotunda won the match with a 1 count pin early into the 2nd round and the match descended into chaos with interference from Sullivan dressed like an occultist, Rick Steiner and that bitch Phoenix with a 2x4.  It's fun, sure, but I'd like to have seen the match go for at least another full round.  It was good while it lasted though.

Match 2 - NWA United States Tag Team Championship - Midnight Express (c) vs The Fantastics

One of the great tag team feuds.  You know what wrestling lacks just now?  Great tag team feuds.  And great tag teams (I'm talking mainstream US here).  Tag team wrestling is the best kind of wrestling for me, so I really miss it not being prominent.  And man, were these teams not just fucking amazing, along with many other great teams of this era.  This was a legendary Mid-South tag team feud that drizzled over into NWA - and that's awesome.  There's no need to stop a good thing, especially when there's so much great chemistry.

The match starts off great from the entrance, with a front show shot of ladies in awe of the Express.  The must have been vaginal magnets back then and Cornette was probably getting the fugly's.  Then The Fantastics enter and the match instantly becomes chaos - there's outside all out brawling, high flying, chairs, tables and Cornettes... It's beautiful.  The match manages to reach some semblance of a regular tag team match for a couple of minutes - until Rogers is slammed face first into a table by Eaton that Jim Cornette has held up for this exact purpose.  It gets even better when Rogers headbutts Lane right in the nuts after taking a leg drop and a big elbow.  Rogers then takes a perfect powerslam to fuck him up even more than he already is.  Seriously - Rogers has been getting dominated and it doesn't stop because he takes an elbow from the top rope soon after.  Lane is then tagged back in and he delivers a powerful gutwrench suplex on Rogers, who sells it like a god then becomes the victim of a series of double team moves by the Midnight Express.  Rogers keeps hanging in there though and even manages a sunset flip but the ref is distracted by his partner on the apron and it's quickly broken up with a head stomp.  The he's thrown to the outside and body slammed on a piece of broken table.  Damn, you start feeling for the poor guy.  He's so fucked up he can barely stand and his very own partner needs to feed him to the sharks again just so he doesn't get counted out.  Eventually, he manages the tag but ref didn't see it so it didn't count, Fulton sends the ref over the rope, Rogers gets a frog splash and 3 count but the Fantastics get DQ'd.  In true celebratory fashion Cornette even hits a ref with a tennis racket for the hell of it.  Why not?

Amazing match.

Match 3 -The Road Warriors & Dusty Rhodes vs The Powers of Pain & Ivan Koloff - Barbed Wire Match

Also referred to as the Chicago Street Fight, this match has barbed wire wrapped around the ring ropes.  It's safe to assume that this isn't going to be a respectful wrestling match.  It's going to be chaos - Animal has a hockey mask.  This ain't no World of Sport here.  This is Friday the 13th Road Warriors style.  It's an unsanctioned brawl and these guys just go for each other from the off.  It kicks ass.  You know what's great about the Road Warriors?  Big fucking slams.  Everyone likes a big  fucking slam to get their adrenalin going.  All I can say about this match is chaos.  A perfect mid card brawl to get the fans excited.  It's definitely not for everyone, but it certainly is perfect for those who like chaos in the ballroom.

Match 4 - NWA World Tag Team Championship - Arn & Tully (c) vs Barry Windham & Lex Luger

Nothing screams dream match like this.  3 out of the 4 of these guys I could watch wrestle forever.  Lex Luger, I like him as well back at this time.  On paper, this was definitely one I had high hopes for. And it didn't disappoint me either.

The match begins with a mild decimation of Tully by Luger, but after Arn breaks up the torture rack, Arn and Tully begin to get themselves into the match and focus on Luger's leg.  But Luger counters a leglock and tags in Windham and the big man clears house.  Windham dominates until Arn Anderson disrupts his abdominal stretch on Tully by punching him on the face and following it up with a DDT.  It's not long after this we are privileged to the spinebuster, which Arn Anderson does as good as anyone in the history of pro wrestling.  He's arguably even the best.  He begins to force pin Windham by using his strength but Windham keeps kicking out, although with the posture and look on Arn then I have no doubts that he'd be a good forceful murderer.  You could imagine him suffocating someone when you see him here.

The Horsemen didn't really get fully going here due to the explosiveness of their opponents, but the match was still reasonably back and forth.  The pace is constantly nothing short of frantic either and in the end it's the Horsemen's own attempt at treachery that backfires and causes them to lose their belts and crown Lex and Barry the tag team champions.

Match 5 - NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Ric Flair (c) vs Sting

Guest celebrity judges were brought into this one and it really gave it a big match feel.  This is a match I've watched many times before.  I don't know a lot of wrestling fans who haven't seen this match.  When I was 15 years old, and obsessed with high risk matches and hardcore wrestling I watched this and it changed my outlook completely.  This was the match that ultimately made me fall in love with technical wrestling.  Since then I've seen many more matches I prefer, especially from Flair, but this really is a classic match.  It's matches like this that give titles credibility.  Love or hate Flair, he had so many matches that brought immense credibility to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

This was my favorite Sting as well.  I thought he looked better at this time and I preferred him as a wrestler.  I've never really cared for his Crow gimmick, but Sting in the 80's and early 90's is pretty cool.  This match really is great.  I mean, don't watch it if you don't enjoy 4 minute headlocks and such, but if you do like that kinda stuff then check it out.

As expected in a match like this, both have spells of dominance, I mean, it is 40 minutes long.  It isn't boring for one second though.  The match ended with a time limit draw, with the decisions of the judges ultimately favoring Flair without actually not favoring Sting.  Go figure.

Summary Thought:  A great PPV and one I'm going to watch over and over.  To think that people paid for Mania when this was free.... well, they really missed out.  I reckon it would have been amazing to see this one live.  Really really great event.

NWA Great American Bash 1988

The first Great American Bash to be produced as a PPV, and the 4th annual Bash event.  It was later on in 1988 that Ted Turner would buy NWA and turn give the world World Championship Wrestling.  Like most NWA, it's a solid PPV and doesn't have a bad match on it.  By no means a classic event, but it's still enjoyable.  I love all of the old NWA because I wasn't born when it was prominent, but watching it makes me wish I was because most of these guys are all time favorite wrestlers of mine, and when I was growing up they'd either be in the twilight of their careers or finished.

Match 1 (NWA World Tag Team Championship) Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (c) vs Sting & Nikita Koloff

A great opening match, with Tully and Arn showcasing tag team wrestling at its finest.  They dominated most of this match after recovering from being overwhelmed at the beginning.  Nikita Koloff's shoulder was the target here for Arn and Tully and they spent a large spell of the match working on it, turn for turn, through a succession of quick tags.  Those 2 are a prime example of what good tag team wrestling is all about, and even though Nikita and Sting put on a good show (in particular Koloff), they just weren't as dynamic as Tully and Arn.

This match went the whole 20 minute time limit and ended up in a draw, with the clock expiring as Tully was locked in Sting's 'scorpion deathlock.'  Sting and Nikita were already putting on the straps at the end of the match thinking they'd won, but Tully didn't submit and therefore, retained the belts for Arn and himself.  And good job because Tully and Arn are the boss.  Overall, very good tag team match and a great opening contest for the night ahead.

Match 2 (NWA United States Tag Team Championship) - Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) vs (c) The Fantastics (Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers)

This match begins with Midnight Express manager and legend Jim Cornette being put in a straight jacket and asking the referee, ''Can you be bribed?'' before being hoistered above the ring in a cage.  Everything he says to the ref here is comedy gold and he really does a great job of being a crying idiot.

I was excited for this match as I love the high risk, fast paced style of these teams.  In the 80's, high risk and fast paced wasn't made up of solely jumping around like a frog on mdma, these wrestlers were pretty great all round.  I love the modern high flying wrestling, don't get me wrong but when I'm in the mood for NWA, I just think those guys are all round greater and lacking in today's era, where mainstream tag team wrestling in America is more or less a dead scene just now.

This was a really good match.  Tommy Rogers really took a beating at the hands of the Express here, and it's topped off by a beautiful dropkick by Eaton.  There's also a great drop to the concrete that got me more excited in all its simplicity than I got when anyone in WWE in the last few years fell off a ladder.  The match is what you expect throughout - intensely physical, some showing off and an all round great contest, ended in great heel fashion with a steel chain wrapped around Eaton's fist to win the titles for his team.  Then, after the match, Cornette takes a belt whipping while still in a straight jacket.

Match 3 (Towers of Doom Match) - Road Warriors, Steve Williams, Jimmy Garvin & Ron Garvin vs Kevin Sullivan, Al Perez, Mike Rotunda, Russian Assassin & Ivan Koloff

So what the hell is a Tower of Doom match?  Well, it's 3 cages stacked on top of each other you might remember from WCW Uncensored.  The point of the match is to start from the top of the cage and get to the bottom during small intervals when a trap door opens in one of the below cages, allowing the wrestlers to drop down.  Sounds pretty nuts, and sure it's nuts, but it's incredible.  The first complete team to exit the cage at the bottom are determined the winner.  Pretty simple but hard to achieve when you have all those guys wanting to beat you like a government mule.

The match is enjoyable just for the sheer ridiculousness of it.  I think it would have been better if the cages were all larger so it could have been 5 on 5 all the way from the top to the bottom, but I still love this match nonetheless - mainly because I like everyone in it.  Steve Williams is becoming one of my favorite wrestlers the more I watch him.  Hell, even Jack Victory being the Russian Assassin was a lot of fun here.  I quite liked him in ECW.  Kevin Sullivan will always have a place in my heart for being a wizard but that's about it.  Everyone else involved is cool with me I suppose.  Never really been a fan of Varsity Club though.  Just kinda nothing them.

So the match is basically just an all out street fight.  Sometimes the wrestlers look to be playing it a little cautiously - but that's because there was close to 1000 lbs in the cage at times at least - maybe even over.  There was some nice body slams on the mesh as well that looked as if they should have snapped the cage, but they didn't and thankfully none of them died in this match.

The match came down in the end to Kevin Sullivan and Jimmy Garvin, who finally get to do some brief actual wrestling - or Jimmy Garvin does anyway.  The match ends with Sullivan shoving his opponent out and going after the woman Precious who is locked in the cage.  He tries to rape her , then he chokes her but the heroes come along to save her just in time.

Match 3 (NWA United States Heavyweight Championship) Barry Windham (c) vs Dusty Rhodes

This was your classic grudge match, but with the US title on the line.  Windham had recently turned on Dusty and teamed up with The Horsemen.  Windham went into this with some great heel heat (helped by the fact he turned on his mentor and had his 'rightful' title) and the crowd were all behind Dusty more or less.  I think they were more against Dillon than they were Windham though because Dillon getting Dusty's classic elbow got the loudest pop of the night, and this was right after the Terror of Doom match (which in 1988 was probably one of the most insane things anyone had ever seen).

The match is a scrappy brawl for much of it.  It starts off with an instant body press slam by Dusty, showing great strength and for each second he held Windham the applause got more deafening.  It's not long before they're outside and Windham is on his back again after Dusty reversed his piledriver attempt then followed it up with a clothesline and a pursuit of JJ Dillon, before getting back in the ring to be met by some punches by Windham - then they're outside again and Dusty delivers a great slam to the concrete.  Dillon is effective for Windham again and distracts Rhodes long enough for Windham to sneak attack and gain control once more.  The match has a go between after this and Dusty manages to regain control after Windham ascends to the turnbuckles and Dusty slams him to the mat and drops the trademark running elbow on him, gets the 3 count only there's no conscious ref to actually count.

Then the surprise and controversy... Ronny Garvin.

Yep, Ronny Garvin shows up and sticks Dusty with a fist and Windham followed it up with another punch and the claw, knocking Dusty out and retaining the the title.  Great match.

Match 4 (NWA World Heavyweight Championship) Ric Flair (c) vs Lex Luger

Typical Ric Flair match against an opponent with greater strength.  Flair gets thrown around and sells everything to perfection.  Luger doesn't do the best of jobs selling Flair's assaults, but at this time he was only 3 years pro, according to opponents he was clumsy in the ring and he was still learning.  But he was an ultimate babyface so it makes sense why this match was booked, especially with his feud with Flair and The Horsemen.  Criticisms of Luger aside though, he still done a great job in this match.  Maybe he hurt opponents, maybe he didn't sell moves as good as others could, but he still was a good worker and had a lot of great matches in the late 80's and early 90's.  It was the jacked up Luger of the late 90's that wasn't very good.

Luger uses strength here and tosses Flair all over the ring and executes some good agility as well to get roll up pins throughout.  Flair, in typical Flair fashion, uses the outside of the ring to his advantage and methodically tries to injure Luger's legs when he has him grounded.  Endurance plays to Flair's advantage as usual and Luger just can't seem to keep him down.  The match finally ends with controversial victory for Flair and he once again leaves the champion.

Summary: Not the best NWA event by any means, but that's not a bad thing.  The NWA for me was consistent and always delivered good matches from what I've watched so far.  This one was no different and I enjoyed it immensely.  My favorite match was easily Dusty and Windham.  In my opinion they're 2 of the best ever and it's always great to see talent like this square off.

NWA Bunkhouse Stampede 1988

Despite being a criticised event I still enjoyed it.  It was a fun event, and not one match on this card was bad.  They were all good matches, there was lots of controversy, a great atmosphere and Dusty Rhodes being Dusty Rhodes, along with other legends.  Overall, a great event but not a classic.  Lots of fun.

Match 1 (NWA World Television Championship) - Nikita Koloff (c) vs Bobby Eaton

''The Russian Nightmare'' against one half of arguably the greatest tag team of all time, accompanied by a colourful Jim Cornette.  What's not to love already?  The match itself was also really good.  Koloff brawled, tried to maul and was constantly resilient.  Eaton dominated for long spells of the match, keeping Koloff on the mat for large parts, he dictated the tempo and he eve delivered some of his great high flying skills (not flashy in comparison to today's standards of high flying but simple and effective).  You would never expect a guy like Koloff to be the underdog here, but for most of this match he was fighting for survival.  You'd think Eaton would be the one fighting for survival and holding on with the skin of his teeth, but no, he really took it to Koloff here until the match ended in a time limit draw, followed by a beatdown from the Express on Koloff, but at least he retained the belt.  By no means an all time classic match, but a very good, solid and entertaining match.  And Cornette was at his most jiggety throughout.  That's not a real word, but it makes sense if you watch the match.

Match 2 (UWF Western States Heritage Championship) - Larry Zybyszko vs Barry Windham (c)

Barry Windham must have been rolling in female vagina during the 80's.  Tall, athletic, blond locks that the god Apollo would be proud of....  Anyway, that's besides the point, because this is a wrestling blog, and Windham, as a wrestler, is one of the best of all time.  Perhaps, the most naturally gifted wrestler to ever partake ion the business.  He was tall, strong, agile and tough as nails.  I've never heard a bad word said about his in ring ability, and some of the greats have spoken with love and admiration about the times they entered the ring with him.  He even made Arn Anderson smile.  Arn Anderson doesn't smile much.  As for Larry Z, well he wasn't bad either, was he?  And neither was this match.  Definitely one for those who love pure wrestling until it turns into a beautiful, dirty brawl.  It has it all.  And what a finish?  Larry battering Windham with a shoe and pinning him for the 1,2,3 and a new champion is crowned.

Match 3 (NWA World Heavyweight Championship) - Road Warrior Hawk vs Ric Flair (c)

A tremendous bumpfest by Ric Flair.  I love the way Flair takes slams.  Not many sell pain as much as Flair.  Flair took a beating in this one, and delivered one back.  The match started off as Hawk's, as he threw Flair around like a rag doll with powerful slams and dominated with brute strength.  However, Flair was typical Flair and managed to sneak his way back into the match by running away and being ''the dirtiest player in the game.''  What followed was Flair's period of methodically breaking down Hawk by being a dirty ol' bastard basically.  Hawk managed to become superhuman again towards the end and threw Flair around once more, but Flair managed to retain his title by getting himself disqualified.  Really fun match.

Match 4 - Steel Cage Bunkhouse Stampede - Dusty Rhodes vs Arn Anderson vs The Barbarian vs Tully Blanchard vs Ivan Koloff vs Road Warrior Animal vs Lex Luger vs The Warlord

An elimination match where pin falls and submissions did not count.  The only way to win these matches is to throw your opponent over the top of the cage or send them out the cage door.  A truly ridiculous concept for a match - especially with 500k on the line, but sometimes in wrestling the more ridiculous the better.  For a start, the mix of wrestlers in here is amazing - from some of the greatest of all time like Dusty and Arn and Tully to the bonkers like The Barbarian and The Warlord who were great for being them.  This match wasn't a wrestling match - it was punches, kicking, grinding, whipping, beating, choking and  shoving.  A brawl basically.  And it's amazing.

So, what's the best part of this match?  Well, it's Dusty Rhodes obviously, and to be more precise, it's Dusty Rhodes bounving around each corner of the ring whipping everyone in sight with his belt.

The first to be eliminated was Ivan Koloff, after being thrown over the cage and punched off it.  Next up, The Warlord and Animal left at the same time after being eliminated through the cage door.  Next, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard and Lex Luger all went at the same time after a struggle to hold on outside the cage door.

The final 2 are The Barbarian and Dusty Rhodes, a bout where we are treated to diving headbutts from The Barbarian off the top rope.  The match ends when Dusty finally eliminates him with his trademark elbows off the top of the cage and brings an end to a chaotic match that was also a helluva lotta fun.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Kaz Hayashi vs Naomichi Marufuji - AJPW - 06/02/09

This match was fast paced and exciting for 30 minutes.  These 2 pulled out all the stops here and put their bodies through hell.  Both of these guys are 2 of my of my all time favorite wrestlers, and 2 of the best workers in wrestling today.  Kaz Hayashi was underused in the States during his tenure in WCW and Murufuji you might recognise if you watch ROH.

This match had a bit of everything - puroresu shoot fighting, high risk encounters from the top rope, flying and non-stop, never miss a beat action.  Kaz had to put Naomichi through hell here and go through hell himself to beat him.  This was 30 minutes of sheer excitement and lots of edge of the seat moments.  A MUST SEE.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

MLW - King of Kings 2002 - Sabu vs. La Parka


So this is an extreme rules match, which is good and bad.  It's good because Sabu is always guarnateed to entertain and deliver lots of insane moments in these type of matches.  He bumps like crazy and he does lots of all round crazy shit.  And La Parka is rather fearless himself so you know there's going to be moments.  A bad thing about this match is though that the fans demanded hardcore when these 2 were delivering some nice wrestling.  I like it when Sabu wrestles as opposed to always throwing himself around like a human pinata.  Still though, this was a great match nonetheless from a decent promotion.  After the initial wrestling it turns to sheer brutality.  La Parka bleeds like a mu'fucka in this one.  Sabu has scissors as well so you know that's not good for anyone.

Sunday 5 February 2012

I Admit, I Was A Hater

Hulk Hogan vs. Antonio Inoki - NJPW - 1984

It's only the past couple of days I've started watching Hogan in NJPW.  I always assumed he was a lazy shit.  I've never been a fan of his as a wrestler, but he is a great actor... kinda.  I'll admit, in the past I've more or less dismissed Hogan based on his WWF and WCW matches I've never been a fan of i.e. Hulkmania.  However, after watching him in NJPW I've been blown away by what I've seen.  Now, don't get me wrong, he's not anywhere near the best worker in the business here or the most talented wrestler - but he works hard and he performs pretty damn good.  This match with Inoki can be praised for the old genital rectal fart Hogan's performance just as much as Inoki's.

The atmosphere for this one is through the roof.  The crowd are wild, and even though Hogan gets a loud ovation it's Inoki they're all rooting for.  There was huge heat on Hogan and it made this atmosphere all the more intense.  This match is physical and rarely lets up, and when there are breaks it's when Hogan is drawing heat from the excited crowd.  Both men work their asses off in this match and create some memorable moments such as Hogan's suplex on Inoki on the floor or the modified figure four leg lock on the apron both men were not prepared to let go of.  This match ended in controversial circumstances, many believe that at the end there was some genuine animosity between Hogan and Inoki.  The crowd tossed everything in their possession in the ring as well.  This really meant a lot to them and the heat was off the chain crazy.  There was even some anti-American chants at the end as well.

The biggest American star vs. the biggest Japanese star sure had a lot of expectation  on it, and with their past matches delivering some great bouts it had to live up - and it did.  It lasted over 20 minutes and was relentless throughout.  Definitely one of the best matches I've seen from Hogan.  He really deserves respect for this and anyone who says he's always sucked should check out his NJPW work.  It turned me.  And I hated the old ass clown.

Hulk Hogan vs. Antonio Inoki - NJPW - 06/13/85

WWF and IWGP titles on the line in a great bout.  The more of Hogan I'm seeing from Japan, the more I'm starting to develop a fondness for his ability.  I'm far from a fan of the whole Hulkamania Hogan.  I;d rather see him act like a normal human being and sell a punch rather than starting his spazzing every time he gets struck and all of a sudden becoming a super human pensioner bordering between transformation and epilepsy.  This was a classic bout though, with both wrestlers bringing a lot to the table.  Enjoy.

Andre The Giant vs. Hulk Hogan - NJPW

Now before I start you should know that this is a good match.  Chances are though I'll sound condescending because it's funny to me.  This starts off as a technical stalemate, for the standards of these 2 anyway, as they're not exactly the most finessed technical wrestlers ever.  But Andre has some chokes going on and Hogan does some biting and high flying lucha libre.  The dude commentating this one is also a hilarious mu'fucka.

Not a classic by any means, but still a good match.

The Tittie Jiggle Shuffle

Dusty Rhodes vs. Stan Hansen - NJPW - 5/16/1980

So a little trivia I read on the internet that I'm choosing to believe because it's on the internet.  See the fan Hansen had an altercation with on the way to the ring, apparently he was a local nut bag who went by the name... ready for this... Fart Nasty.  Apparently, he got this nickname because he had a reputation for farting on wrestlers and celebs and on this night, he was conjuring up one good shit storm.  I got this from a comment I read about this match by a dude who was apparently there.  I'm choosing to believe it.  I know liars, and I don't think he's one of those guys.

Back before we had Divas, it was Dusty Rhodes who jiggled titties in wrestling, and he's up there with the best of the Divas at being able to do it.  You might even say it was unintentional.  Dusty epitomizes what's great about wrestling - a fat guy who's somehow fit as a fiddle working his ass off.  Hansen is in the same boat as this - only more of a ''I'll punch fuck out of your skull and grind my knees off your face repeatedly'' type of guy.  They don't make them like this these days (I'm talking like this was from back in my day.  I was -9 and yet to be conceived when this match took place.  Even my mum was a teenager back then and she didn't get impregnated till her 20's).

This match is fucking superb.  As soon as it starts we have a fat, pasty, beautiful Dusty Rhodes delivering the best shuffle punching I've ever seen in my life.  It's like watching a baby elephant write poetry.  This just pisses Hansen off more and it's not long before he's sucking the fun out of the environment and dictating the match on his terms - but that's why we love Hansen.  No shit kinda guy.  The match is more or less a chaotic brawl, but this is the type of match that works for these 2 and they do it better than just about everybody.  It goes out the ring and back into the ring, there's chairs and there's turnbuckle posts being used to hurt the opponent, and Dusty gallops off those ropes like a beautiful jiggly stallion.  Like a war horse straight from Heaven.

The match ends on a count out and big ''WOOOOOOOOOOOO'' from Hansen, so overall a mindblowing experience.

Giant Baba vs Verne Gagne - 1/18/81

PFW Heavyweight vs. AWA Heavyweight title match.  2 out of 3 falls.  This was from an era when wrestling was treated as a sport, and main events got the same respect in Japan as main event boxing matches.  This match was a wrestling showcase of 2 legends in the business - the Giant Baba and an aging, yet tougher than a Nando's steak, Verne Gagne, who was 54 by this point and wrestling for 20+ minutes.

This was a typical old school wrestling match, handled by 2 competitors who were experts at their craft.  It was slow paced, physical and by the end of it, both of these men were feeling the effects of it.  Gagne tried to look on his masterful sleeper any chance he got, and what a beautiful sleeper it is.  This was a monumental match, but it certainly isn't for everyone.  You have to bare in mind that Gagne was 200 hundred years old.  A lot of people don't like wrestling like this but I love it and I rate this match highly.  Check it out.

Keiji Muto vs Dick Murdoch - NJPW 11/9/87

A great exhibition of wrestling that could have went either way.  Dick Murdoch is one of the most underrated wrestlers in history, and one of the stubbiest.  We need more stubby wrestlers nowadays.  Stubby wrestlers that can actually wrestle and none of this Brodus Clay moronic imbecilic ingrate shit.

This match started off as a respectful kind of ''let's go skill for skill'' affair, but it turned physical not long into it, with Murdoch's leg taking some punishment.  Murdoch stuck to his game plan throughout of  working on the arm, covering the face and even putting his dirty fingers in Muto's mouth.  Just a few little things that make Murdoch look great.  Muto was a good opponent for Murdoch as he brought a different style, with a faster pace high flying, along with the utilisation of kicks and strikes.  It was 2 different styles that complimented each other well to give us a good match.  You know you're in for a treat when you get wrestlers of this ability facing off against each other though.

Andre The Giant vs. Stan Hansen - 9/23/81

This has been heralded by one of the best NJPW matches of the 80's.  I'll hold my hands up and admit I was never a huge fan of Andre, but after recently watching some of his pre-WWF matches, I have a lot of respect for him, as I do Hogan, who with a full head of beautiful blond locks was a great worker, especially in Japan.  But Hogan wasn't fighting Andre here.  Stan Hansen was.  Stan Hansen doesn't have beautiful lockers.  He's mean and ugly and that's what makes him beautiful.

This match is a rare type for Hansen, because he plays a babyface underdog.  The pace for the match is dictated as soon as Hansen goes for Andre as he enters the ring, only to be met by Andre's boot to his face.  The crowd are wild the whole match and they really go nuts at the little things - like when Hansen armdrags Andre the crowd jump out of there seats.  There's a great moment where Hansen clothelines Andre and Andre rolls out the ring, but Hansen sells the aftermath of the clothesline amazingly by collapsing into the ropes and dropping.  The bumps in this match are crazy from both competitors and Hansen does a great job of giving all he has.  He just throws everything he has at Andre and does everything he can to hurt him, in turn Andre completely ragdolls Hansen at times but Hansen keeps coming back for more.  In the end, no one can separate these 2 Goliath's and the officials even take a beating trying to split them up after Andre gets his bad self DQ'd.

I love seeing Stan Hansen in this kind of spot.  Undoubtedly one of the toughest bastards to ever set foot in a wrestling ring.

Stan Hansen vs Antonio Anoki - 6/5/80

The match starts off with deafening chants for Inoki.  They really don't like this big redneck Stan Hansen, but I'm sure they love him really, but just like rooting against him to fire him up even more.  We're barely even 2 minutes into the match and Stan Hansen has already thrown a front kick towards the referee.  The atmosphere is well and truly electric and we have Stan Hansen kicking the authority.

This match is only 10 minutes long and they certainly make the most of it.  It's an all out slugfest and extremely physical.  And Stan Hansen gives the referee some beating - the main one is unintentional but Hansen doesn't care because he's Stan fuckin' Hansen.  The match descends into chaos and Inoki wins by DQ as Hogan appears to carry Inoki while Hansen leads the way with a bull rope tied round Inoki's neck.  Assistance soon arrives for Inoki and a brawl breaks out with Inoki on top at the end.

Fun, chaotic and Hogan with a full head of hair.

Stan Hansen vs Antonio Inoki - 4/3/80

This match begins like the rest of their matches, with Inoki dressed like a class act.  He looks like wrestling royalty with his robe, his handsome features and his overall appearance which makes him look like a graceful wrestler.  He takes good care of himself clearly... then there's Stan Hansen.  Fat, dressed like a cowboy, carrying a bull rope and looks like he's showed up to get into a pig sty and ready to skin for bacon.  And as always, his facial hair deserves a Hall of Fame place.  2 polar opposites, yet great in their own right.  Inoki is here to wrestle, Hansen is here to fight, and for the fans - it has showdown written all over it.

The match starts off with an exchange of holds followed by a battle on the mat.  Inoki looks the more finessed, natural wrestler but Hansen is one of the best ever on the mat himself, he just doesn't look pretty while he's doing it and it's not long before he's throwing knees against Inoki's skull and stomping.  But Inoki is a tough little bugger.  He can take it.

One of the great things about Hansen is his use of ring psychology, and when he's not getting things his way he has no problem getting the fuck out of there, heating up the crowd and disrupting the flow of the match.  Just when Inoki is starting to look in control Hansen is out and in repeatedly and the chants start for Inoki.  Once again we're treated to some great submission wrestling by Inoki and some ''I'll punch you on the fucking head to break your submission'' wrestling by Hansen.

Hansen is always trying to dictate the pace and style of the match, but Inoki manages a response to the aggressive Hansen throughout, he even dominates for spells of the match, but with these 2 no one ever really truly dominates because they have response to everything each other does.  They don't even counter each others moves, they just find ways to hurt each other at the same time and then before you know the pace has changed again and a brawl ensues before reverting back to slow paced hold for hold wrestling.  It's the the fucking strawberry yoghurt.  I loved it.  We even get some great high flying from Inoki, and considering it was 1980 - holy shit.  Inoki wins the match with a suplex, and it's a deserved won.  No one really deserved to lose, but Inoki did deserve to win.  He had a response to everything Hansen through at him, and in the end, was a little too much and unpredictable for Hansen.

Stan Hansen is the fucking man.  Inoki as well.