Monday 2 April 2012

Wrestlemania 28: Match by Match

Wrestlemania is like Christmas for a wrestling fan.  No matter how disillusioning and infuriating WWE can be at times, we're always going to tune in to Mania with childlike glee, expecting magic.  Or maybe that's just me.  The last 2 were disappointing PPV's to say the least, but I had high hopes for this year.  So, let's dive into it, match by match.

1.  Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus - World Heavyweight Championship match

What the actual fuck was this?  Really?  Why did they waste such a potentially good match.  It was pretty obvious since before the Rumble that Sheamus was getting pushed to win the title at Mania, but they could have at least given both of them some time to put on a solid match.  I mean, Brodus Clay dances for over 5 minutes, why couldn't they have given that time to Bryan and Sheamus.  Bryan in my opinion is the worlds greatest wrestler, so even 7 minutes would have been enough to have a solid match because Sheamus isn't bad either.  After months of building Bryan up to have him lose at the big stage.... I'm angry.  That being said, it was an unpredictable start.  I'm just gutted the best wrestler in the world was left humiliated at Mania.

2. Kane vs Randy Orton

Surprisingly good match with a very good finish.  It was very back and forth and a good opener to the show (Sheamus and Bryan wasn't exactly a match).  I was glad to see Kane win.  He needed the big win against a big superstar like Orton.  This has the makings of a good feud if it continues for awhile.

3. Cody Rhodes vs Big Show - Intercontinental Championship match

Bullshit as a fan of Cody and the Intercontinental title.  Cody is great and one of my favorites in WWE.  When he brought the classic IC title back, I thought WWE were going to take it seriously again.  I thought Cody could restore some of the credibility to the belt.  But he's rarely defended it at PPV's.  It used to be the IC title was a major title at PPV's and would often showcase the best matches.  I just want the IC title to mean something again.  Cody was the ideal candidate to bring that credibility back, and retaining on the grand stage would have been a step closer towards that.  Unfortunately though, WWE don't really give a shit about their titles these days, do they?  Rant over.

The match was decent filler, but I wish it was never booked and Cody fought someone more complimentary to his style and attempted to steal the show.  It was poetic justice for Big Show I suppose.  The positive though, Cody will get a push now.

4. Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres

Pointless match but entertaining nonetheless.

5.  The Undertaker vs Triple H - Hell in a Cell w/HBK as Special Guest Referee

The 'END OF AN ERA'  match.  Ego's in the mix.  A dramatic storyline brought to a conclusion.  This had the ingredients of a good match, but to be honest I'm sick of them all.  It was a good match and watchable, but for me, it was weapon heavy and should have had some more wrestling.  In all honesty though, I didn't think it was an amazing match.  Good but not great.  Taker looking like a lesbian was pretty funny though.

6.  Team Johnny vs Team Teddy

Lots of fun to watch.  Dolph overselling moves, fast paced excitement and all round fun.  A good match and it was great to see Team Johnny pick up the win.

7.  CM Punk vs Chris Jericho - WWE Championship

Wow.  Match of the night and match of the year so far in WWE.  The match began with some great psychology and then turned into a wrestling joy to watch.  Even with the botches it was great.  The suplex from the apron looked sore.  Definitely the show stealer most people expected it to be anyway.  I really hope they have more matches in future.

8.  The Rock vs John Cena

This match was passable considering all the build up.  They both showed some good wrestling ability and it was a back and forth, exciting match.  My only criticism is that it should have been more aggressive and maybe had an announcers table breaking or something.  A good main event though and a good ending.

Overall, a good Mania this year that was very enjoyable.

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